1/24/07 = 2 Mile / 2 x Mile / 4 x 800m / 8 x 400m w/ 400m jog rest b/w everything

2 mile @ 10:40-50
Miles @ 5:10-15
800m's @ 2:25-30
400m's @ under 70 seconds

Pretty good workout overall!  46 laps worth of running...wow.  Somehow the legs kept going though.  Weather wasn't too bad, in the low 30s.  Wore racing flats for this.  My average time spent on a rest period was around 4:37.  Ran 1.5 mile warmup plus drills before hand with Mike, then 1.75 mile cool down (shuffle more like it....).  Time spent was 1:45:40 for the whole thing!  Let's see how the legs feel tomorrow....  : )