October 9th - 3 x 2 Miles @ 5:20-5:25 pace w/ 2min rest, 10 Mile road run @ normal pace (6:40ish)

    Marquette had their Powder Puff football game taking place so had to move over to Crestview's track to run workout.  Tim came up for this and Serena came to watch (ran warmup with me) and then joined me on the 10 miler after the 2 miles.  Goal was to run the 2 miles at 10:40-10:50 w/ 2 min rest and then run a 10 mile road run at normal pace around 6:40ish.  Weather was nice, not really windy at all, but I didn't care too much for the track - the backstretch felt like I was on a ledge, very uneven.  It was cool though since it was late and dark out with the lights of the track on.  They also happened to have the Junior Mustang football practice going on (6th-8th graders) so I actually got a little informal introduction as the coaches there had them stay out of lane 1 for me to do my workout.  The 10 mile was the butt kicker, not sure if it would have gone close to as it did if Serena hadn't run with me, it basically became a task to stay with her as we rolled along.  It was fun along the way though as we passed a few of those speed trap signs, so each time I picked up the pace to hit the 9-10mph, I don't think Serena appreciated those!  : )   I hit the ice bath after I finished...oh it felt good!

  1. 5:20 / 5:21 = 10:41
  2. 5:20 / 5:21 = 10:41
  3. 5:22 / 5:11 = 10:43

10 Mile splits -

  1. 7:56
  2. 7:29
  3. 7:10
  4. 7:05
  5. 6:52
  6. 6:49 - stopped @ Walgreens for restroom just past 6 mi
  7. 6:18
  8. 6:25
  9. 6:30
  10. 6:08
  11. 1:19 (.23mi)