October 17th - 4 x 1 Mile Repeats @ 5:20 pace w/ full recovery (8-10min)

    Final workout before the marathon - run a mile at 5:20 pace and then get full rest for about 8-10min.  The rest was the killer part, as I jogged about an 800 and then some before starting the next mile.  The final mile coach said if I felt good that I could light it up a little bit, just not all out.  The first 3 went a little faster than I intended, but I decided to get after it anyway in the final one - felt pretty good!

  1. 2:38 / 2:35 = 5:13
  2. 2:39 / 2:36 = 5:15
  3. 2:41 / 2:36 = 5:17
  4. 2:26 / 2:20 = 4:46