April 9th - St Louis Marathon Relay (4 person team - 6.5 mi, 6 mi, 7.5 mi, 6.2 mi)


    Four person team - Paul Koehler, Michael Aitken and Michael Dorsey were the other three.  Paul led off the first leg, then Aitken ran the 2nd leg, I took the 3rd and then Dorsey had the final leg.  Aitken handed off to me in 3rd overall behind the 2 marathon runners.  I was roughly 2-3 min behind 2nd, about 3+ min behind the leader.  I caught the 2nd place guy at about 6 miles into my run, and then handed off to Dorsey with about 1 min or so lead over him.  A race official then directed Dorsey the wrong way (he was about to repeat my leg of the course) but luckily he got corrected not too far into it and retraced his steps to get back on course and cruise to the finish, setting a new course record for the relay team.  He still finished with us in 2nd overall, while the marathon winning time was 2:25 something.  2nd in the marathon finished around 2:37.  We won the relay divisions by over 25 minutes on the 2nd relay team!  The weather started off cold, but then gradually warmed up to the 50s-60s and was sunny.